I'm moving through this white-gray wooded area in what seems to be winter because the trees are bare. I see a creek, and on the other side of this creek is my birrmthmother, dressed in a black winter coat looking at me in an odd way. She them morphs I to this gray naked demon who's laughing at me continuously as if he'd tricked me into hell. That's where the dream ends.
This dream may represent some unresolved feelings or anxieties you have regarding your biological mother. The winter season and bare trees may symbolize a sense of emptiness or feeling disconnected from her. Seeing her on the other side of the creek could represent a feeling of being separated from her emotionally. The morphing into a demon may represent feelings of fear or apprehension about the relationship. The demon's laughter may signify a sense of feeling tricked or deceived about your relationship with your biological mother or perhaps some fear of being rejected by her. It may be helpful to reflect on these emotions and try to address any underlying issues with this relationship.